BURST stands for ‘Bright URban Solutions Team’ and has been brought to life by a team of senior experts from the Netherlands, Hungary and Slovenia. The basis of our joint cooperation is a common approach on how to address urban challenges of the 21st century. In order to generate genuine change across an entire urban system, we design progressive, holistic solutions.
You’re running a city, an organization, an insitute or maybe an NGO. There’s a myriad of duties to fulfill on a daily basis, yet you still have a vision for the future despite deficient resources – that’s why you’re here.
You probably need strategic advisory support or maybe a team of operative experts. Also, a Europe-wide live network ready to team up and share their knowledge with you is essential. And surely you need guidance in getting the grants for your vision.
Well, you came to the right place. Welcome to BURST!
We’re happy and honoured to help as we believe our impressive track record will ensure your success.
In order for real change to take place in your city, with profound influence on urban life, partnering up intensively with your local communities is essential. Successful mapping, anticipation, planning and sustainable implementation of any change begins and ends with the people involved.
The key to making your city ready for the future is to find the capacity to involve citizens and to integrate all policy sectors into the process. The more interaction there is between actors, the more precisely the needs of citizens are embedded into urban development plans and all related implementation strategies.
In order for cities to become future-proof, their residents must be enticed to become forerunners in terms of responsible living, meaningful social connectivity and productive sharing of information.
At least that’s what we believe in!
TeAM HUb & URBACT Lead Expert
TeAM HUb & URBACT Lead Expert
Managing Partner, TeAM HUb coordinator
Managing Partner, TeAM HUb coordinator
Key Expert, Communication Lead
Key Expert, Communication Lead
Urbact Lead and ad-hoc expert
Urbact Lead and ad-hoc expert
Key Expert
Key Expert
Key Expert
Key Expert
Key Expert
Key Expert
Junior Expert
Junior Expert
Project Manager
Project Manager
Project Manager
Project Manager
BURST experts provide advocacy, research and policy support to local communities, cities and EU actors on community engagement, urban regeneration, local economic development and social innovation.
We have worked at various levels of government from cities to regions, governments in many European countries as well as EU institutions.
We have successfully supported various cities across Europe, including
Beyond cities, we have advised regional and national authorities such as
We have provided thematic expertise to URBACT, INTERACT, Interreg Programmes, the European Parliament, European Commission – DG Regio.
We are cooperation partners of ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability and the IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources in operating TeAM HUb, the Hungarian NetworkNature Hub for Nature-based Solutions.
We are committed to create a dynamic collaborative environment, where knowledge, good practices and creative ideas on key urban development topics can be shared with various stakeholders on both the European and national level.
With this in mind, BURST creates and promotes opportunities for